Gear Overview

In the dynamic cyber-landscape of "Paradigm Found," the gear your character obtains, retains, and uses plays a critical role by bestowing bonuses that augment their digital prowess in various scenarios.

Each gear item has a Bonus modifier - additional dice power that is added to your character's abilities.

There is a gear type for almost any situtation. From equippables that provide continual boosts to consumables with limited time effects. There is gear for each ability as well as travel and healing. Check out the Gear Reference to find the right gear for your character.

Characters can obtain gear through missions, crafting, purchase, or trade (future).

It's important to understand gear fit - which gear can your character use based on its level and class. The higher the level of gear, the more specialized it becomes which affects who can use it.

Inventory management will become important as each character has a limited amount of storage space to hold gear. Your Bracer has gear that you take on missions with you and may be susceptible to loss if you get d'mezzed. Each character also has a Storage Locker with access points in each world where your gear can be safely stored. Moving items between storage locations and recycling items you aren't using will become an important skill.

Next: Gear Types