Power System

The core of engagement within "Paradigm Found" lies in its Dice Power System, governed by dice mechanics that determine the potential impact and success rate of characters' actions throughout their digital odyssey.

Dice Notation

When refering to dice, it is important to understand the nomenclature and what it represents.

Dice Notation is represented as <quantity>d<sides>.

  1. Dice Quantity - The quantity of dice thrown.
  2. Dice Sides - the number of sides the die has, also the highest number on the die.


  • 3d12: Three dice, each with 12 "sides". When rolled this provides a range of 3-36 for possible outcomes.
  • 6d6: Six dice, each with 6 "sides". When rolled this provides a range of 6-36 for possible outcomes.
  • 1d36: One die, with 36 "sides". When rolled this provides a range of 1-36 for possible outcomes.

The website AnyDice is a great tool for comparing the power of different dice combinations.

Game Use

"Paradigm Found" is an intricate dance of strategy and chance; a realm where each action and skirmish is dictated by the precision of code and the whims of fate. Here we delve into the core mechanics that make the digital heart of The Paradigm beat.

When undertaking an action, players perform an 'Ability Check' to quantify proficiency in their chosen task. Checks are influenced by various modifiers (ability level and gear) and the type of conflict -— from 'Overcoming an Obstacle' to 'Defeating an Adversary.' Each is represented by a set of dice, one that your character rolls and one that your opponent, the game or an adversary, rolls. The outcome is whomever rolls higher.

Your strategy on advancing and equipping your character combined with what level missions or advesaries you engage with directly influences the outcome.

Each dice roll, each skirmish, each moment of glory or defeat is a thread woven into the grand narrative of The Paradigm. Characters propelled by will and chance carve out their destinies, rise through the tiers of ability, and leave their indelible mark in the expansive cyber universe of "Paradigm Found."

Next: Power Levels