
The following are storage locations where gear can be kept & used


  • Equipment Bay (8 slots) for equipped gear.
  • Expansion Slots (4 slots) for NFTs, like Genesis Mechs.
  • Storage Bay (16 slots) for items.

Storage Locker

  • 32 slots for items.
  • Can be accessed at FlashGo stations in each world.
  • 4 slots are reserved for Roots.

Inventory management will become important as your character increases in level as you receive more loot for higher tier missions. Loot goes into your Bracer’s Storage Bay. If you don’t have enough space, you can’t finish the Hazard or Mission.

You can transfer items from your Bracer to your Storage Locker, as long as the character is not busy. I.e. waiting for a hazard or traveling.

If you fill up your Storage Locker via transfers, you will need to travel to a FlashGo station to manage it.

You can recycle items from your Bracer or Storage Locker. You will receive half the Roots that made up that item in return, placed into your Storage Locker.

Note: Items in your Bracer can be at risk while exploring worlds, especially in PvP zones. Items in your Storage Locker are always safe!

Additional storage options will be available in the future.

Next: Affinities